I have been tasked by higher-level entities on the side of humanity to begin filtering down information never before pieced together by anyone other than the members of the most elite magical lodges/societies, none of which consider humanity to be anything other than a nuisance and obstacle to what they want and all of whom have placed you and your children on the altar of sacrifice to obtain what their desires.
I am part of a potential venture that might take me to one of the world's most powerful and sacred locations. I had an Out-of-Body (OBE) last night (not an astral projection) that would bring about this intercession. I will not disclose the location; I must keep it secret until I arrive. However, my interaction begins there. I am Remote Viewing this location from my present local. Such was the pull of this place that I found myself in an on-site real-time OBE. The place I landed was arranged in a manner that I could practice my Baguazhang circle walking in a more formal-Daoist ritual/practice manner (that is all I will say about that).
1500s map of the North Pole: Rupes Nigra |
The energy of my circle walking aligned with the Vimana Tantra lineage I have inherited and have been practicing. The vortex I created attracted the attention of a hyper-dimensional vehicle or Vimana, and my OBE vision was super focused and directed to a spot, I was told, we call the North Pole. Centrally located between four rivers, there was a massive (and I mean colossal) black spire. Voices began asking me, "what do you see?" I was taken aback as this was truly astounding. I could not shake the fact that I had seen this exactly set up many, many times. The old axiom "As above, so below" rang out in my head, and I suddenly knew what the voice was really asking.
"I see the WORLD-Key of the Tarot and the Tarot's WHEEL OF FORTUE-Key. Most important, I said, I see not mine, but THE black, double-cube altar of Malkuth, which belongs to humanity. "
Upon hearing my response, the voice told me that my "knowledge keeping" of the CHARIOT-Key (Mekaba Mysteries) had been impeccable and had finally found its way to the proper ears. I was now to receive full disclosure on several other Keys, being (but not limited to)the WORLD and WHEEL OF FORTUNE. I was then also told who I was in my past life and that I was to complete his Great Work in this life as part of mine. My Great Work is a culmination work of multiple incarnations.
Who I was, I don't know if that is important currently, but eventually will be revealed.
I am also told that this Great Work is essential to my purpose and involvement concerning the upcoming Pole Shift cataclysm, the 2030 agenda, correctly predicting COVID-19 and the genetically altering/de-population weaponized vaccines, and my revealing of the existence of the "replacement people," all of which I sent emails and other correspondence to Linda Moulton Howe and other very well known Ufologist and so-called researchers. I was the target of a few laughable but legitimate attempts at doxxing and character assassination soon afterward. Intuitively I know this comes from my effort to reach out and make contact.
I will, for almost certain, never willingly appear on any media outlet or platform that I myself do not have control over.
I will, as and when I am directed, reveal deeper secrets regarding other Tarot-Keys. Mine is not to pander to the masses. I do not care about celebrity. My work is to transmit particular information in a pure and uncorrupted stream of consciousness, outside the reach of the New-Age, and Crowley-ism, to those who can actually do something with it. Like Shakespeare wrote plays for people who understood theater, not the masses, I speak first and foremost to those who truly have "the ears to hear."

Understand that the Black Rock, Rupes Nigra, is the naval center/belly button, the point of adoration (omphaloskepsi, or naval gazing), where the silver cord of the entire earth is connected to the Astral Realm of the Superior/Inferior bride/bride-set (the four pages or princesses) seen as "yod-HEH, vau-HEH." It is the black double-cubed altar of Malkuth, encircled by the muted colors of the gross matter of elemental materialism, far removed and beneath the brilliant splendor of the prismatic, technicolor-sparkling emanation and displays of raw primary colors found within the ACE-Keys (Ace of Swords, Ace of Wands, Ace of Cups and Ace or Pentacles) which encircle KETHER, or Uranus, the first dwelling of the Highest God and Supreme Creator of the Universe.
Whatever is placed upon THE altar (or any altar but to a much lesser degree) is seen as sacrifice and will result in moving the heavens to re-align physical reality. The Universal Tree of Life can support any modality. I am told that through generations of manufactured war, strife, conflict, starvation, artificial scarcity, manipulated media, injurious sound waves, terrible music, twisted and vulgar images, and weaponized sound waves, the Illuminati (for lack of a better term) has effectively created a mass psychosis so intense the collective subconscious of humanity as well as it's shard astral experience, as given way to a re-dressing of the Universal Tree of Life as it manifesting into the planet over its altar of Malkuth.
We are entering into a nightmare era of boundless debauchery and limitless depravity.
And what of humanity? Due to the vaccines altering DNA, we are collectively losing our human-birth rite and becoming, as the psychotic "elders" of Zion call us, "goyim." Goyim, are animals who serve "God's people" but do not look like animals. What purpose does an animal serve in the "House of God?" Only one, "sacrifice."
BlackRock is a billion, in truth, a trillion-dollar corporation seeking to buy the entire world, being directed by a Super-A.I. focused solely on financial calculations called ALADIN. BlackRock aims to own THE altar of Malkuth, and I am told there is no coincide in its name. Who owns BlackRock, Larry Fink (aptly named), or better yet, who are its shareholders? The Rothschild family (Top-tier Illuminati) puts TREMENDOUS faith, or "stock," in the BlackRock company. I mean, really, what else do you need to know?
The demon CLAUNECK, who is the demonic tutor of the carnate human soul known in the afro/Brazial spiritist movement called Kimbanda, as Exu Black Rock, had a lot to gleefully pass on to me last night in regards to BlackRock, the company, its goals, the meta psychics it employs and the gigantic Black Rock loadstone Malkuth Altar.
What they claim is littered atop the MALKUTH altar for our planet is truly sad and heartbreaking. I was reminded of the channeling I did YEARS ago where the bodies of those kidnapped or from breeder programs, defiled and sacrificed children numbering in the millions, are placed in a type of cyro-chamber and vibrated into a powder; what portion isn't added to the mixes of beef patties sold at a restaurant of "over a billion served" to create a mad-cow like-disease in humans, is sprinkled over the top of Rupes Nigra.
Let that sink in for a moment.
I am....in a state of shock.
I will soon begin the next phase of my Great Work. I do not apologize for where it leads; as I promised you many years ago, like Saint George, I/we ride to where the dragons are.
Something stuck with me, and I finally found it. A poem of my Wiccan tradition, I was cross initiated as a 3rd Degree High Priest into a Wiccan circle with direct ties to the main coven once run by Janet and Stewart Farrar (maybe it still is, I don't know, and I have not at felt the impulse to check). When this was first read to me two decades ago, it profoundly affected me. One of the voices speaking to me in my OBE last night recited it to me.
It made sense...
The poem speaks of Rupes Nigra, the Malkuth Altar of the World.
"Assist me in erecting this ancient altar, at which in days past, all worshiped; The great altar of all things. For in old times, Woman was the altar. Thus was the altar made and placed, And the sacred place was the point within the center of the Circle. As we have of old been taught that the point within the center is the origin of all things, Therefore should we adore it; Therefore whom we adore we also invoke.
Oh Circle of Stars, Whereof, our father is but the younger brother, Marvel beyond imagination, the soul of infinite space, Before whom time is ashamed, the mind bewildered, and the understanding dark, Not unto thee may we attain unless thine image be love.
Therefore by seed and root, and stem and bud, And leaf and flower and fruit do we invoke thee, Oh Queen of Space, Oh Jewel of Light, Continuous one of the heavens; Let it be ever thus that men speak not of thee as One but as None; And let them not speak of thee at all, since thou art continuous. For thou art the point within the Circle, which we adore; The point of life, without which we would not be. And in this way truly are erected the holy twin pillars, In beauty and in strength were they erected to the wonder and glory of all men."
-Attributed to Janet and Stewart Farrar.
More to come...
-Kevin Wikse
Remote Viewing